The School

Kasharunga Secondary School is a Government secondary school in Kasharunga ward Muleba council, Kagera. The necta school id is s3261. The school consists of 25 teachers. In 2024 the number of O-Level students was 912 and the number of A-Level students was 0.

O Level History

This chart shows how well the school did against other schools.

For example, a ranking of 95% means that it did better than 95% of the other schools.

olevel school ranking for year 2024

Level:form four
Year: 2024
Candidates: 167
male 88, female 79
Ranking: 4338 out of 6382 (+512)

A total of 167 candidates from this school sat in the form four national exams held in 2024. By gender composition, 79 were female students and 88 male students, indicating that this is a boy & girls school.

Kasharunga Secondary School achieved a nationwide performance ranking of 4338 out of 6382 schools and exam centers in Tanzania. This was an rise of 512 positions in the national rankings compared to the results acheived in the previous year. Of the 167 students who sat the exam at the school, 0 passed the exam with at least a Division IV.

Division Total
Grade Total
Subject A B+ B C D E S F Total
ID Division Points


Kasharunga Secondary School



Chemsha bongo Uswahili

Hebu tuone utalaam wako

Cheza hapa

Swahili Proverb of the Day

@Lipitalo ,hupishwa .

Statistic of the Day

@Tanzania is 3rd in the world for having the highest percentage of women in the workforce of 51%.